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  I don’t remember when it happened but somewhere and at some point in time, I stopped believing in love stories. It so happened that once the idea of true love went missing in my heart, I started to drift away and got lost in the market of cheap entertainment, it was instant gratifications that robbed me of the opportunities of waiting with dignity for real love. Words came easy to me once when describing any piece of art, literature, or music that moved me. I used to find my innocence when I found stories that were so beautifully unreal that they seemed divine. But lately, love stories appeared cornier and cornier and the stories became so predictable that even if I watch a love story (which I generally avoid), it fails to move me. Today, after watching the late-night show of Sita-Ramam, I feel I have found that old believer in me. I am glad he is still there, believing in the idea of magical love. This film was so complete in experience that it will remain with me. Sita-Ramam is a m