Whats your take on 'Before Sunrise, Sunset and Midnight' trilogy? I guess the movies touch a very important and sensitive issue, is 'romance' overrated? Who do you think was wrong among them? I think that the girl is more to be blamed for their crumbling relationship. Even the astrologer hinted at this that she is needed to get in peace with herself in order to accept the awkwardness of life. In my perspective, the girl's strong sense of 'biased feminism' had made her emotionally unstable. In the first film, she is this innocent, naive, all-giving girl, but by the second film she (like the boy) is trapped in the past but (unlike the boy) has failed further in not accepting others individuality and thus is emotionally and physically unsatisfied. In comparison, the boy had amateurishly tried to move on.

He has his insecurities as human but still, I think he has been shown in a better light than the girl. I am kinda depressed after seeing the movie, romance is a double-edged sword, but then again what choice did they have, they fell for each other and if one becomes over-critical of others, they will end up being single. It's a tough call, to fall or not to fall? to be romantic or to be analytic?
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