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I realized the importance of gratitude towards everyone and everything. How grateful should I be. It was after seeing 'White Christmas' on Black Mirror. Existence can become such a burden if everyone is not doing their job kindly. We've a benevolent system or God in place who had made life for me much easier and cosier. At least I get to see the randomness of the world but I have the power of choice in my hand. Some people aren't privileged enough to have a choice. All they can do is put up with the mundane existence without having a choice. Being powerless in front of life is the sadest thing. Many don't have this luxury. And I've been chosen or granted this luxury of making choices. So many people are in my life and everyone I have a encounter with on a daily basis, 've far or less not bothered with me, and that in itself is a relief. The higher power has thrown many gifts my way for which I couldn't be any less grateful. Of course I could've asked for better things and people, but now that I see so many people who are beneath me, just living a meaningless and painful existence, such a pity. What if your fate had to fall into the hands of more ignorant people. Just imagine the perils you could be put to. People could be brutally ignorant. If left to masses, your life has a risk of becoming a trainwreck. So since the managing powers have been mercifully kind to you by giving you a safe environment to gain from, be grateful. 
It's not easy to be thankful. But at least the heart should be in the right place. You could just be content with whatever has been given to you and strive to make the most of it and aspire to multiply your resources manifolds in order to be able to distribute them among those who desperately are in need of them. Don't be unreasonable in your daily conduct. If you can't happily accept things, then atleast be quiet. Don't swirl things into a menace by being a sore to others. You're also not a fabolous gifts to others, others are also trying to make peace with your worth, you can atmost make the process easier. 
You never know when the dices wouldn't be in your favour, and you would run out of fortune, it would be a pity that you lived the virtuous moments lamenting. Make the most of these times. And be grateful, kind to others. May be when times aren't good, someone remembers you in good deal and redeems you. So don't go around throwing your weight. Be grateful and mindful of your actions. 


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