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In The Shadow Of Tyranny

In light of the philosophy that this video propounds, Indian independence struggle against British imperialism is a testimony of how mass civil disobedience (1930) can make an invincible tyrant kneel down. Nonviolent civil disobedience throughout India was a wake-up call for British raj. It realised that once the conscience of 'enslaved' gets awakened, it cannot be thwarted for long.

For today's society, 'Brave New World' by Aldous Huxley gives a great insight into how when your conscience finds its' voice, solace comes in seeking the answers to the questions that hitherto you were oblivious to. I personally feel that many wouldn't want to awaken their inner-voice, for many 'ignorance is bliss'. It would be cruel to subject an unprepared mind to existential realities, nature has its own ways of doing that. We as mortals should limit ourselves to our own search, not make it a personal agenda to awaken everyone, that would be equivalent to a tyrant/egoist trying to see everything in his own colour.

Of course, like 'Academy of Ideas', like other great thinkers and philosophers, we can give our inner thoughts and realizations an expression. We can make videos, write books, paint pictures, compose music or whatever that appeals to us, through our work we can project our findings/realizations out in the world hoping that someday some other seeker would stumble upon my work. There are mystical aspects to the workings of the universe too, we can't deny this. Not everything works according to reasons and logic. This 'time' according to Buddhism, Hinduism and other old religions, is an age of "Kali' or 'Kali-Yuga' which means 'a time of darkness', the majority will live their lives in darkness, in oblivion. We can just contribute a beautiful verse in this ongoing poem so that at least a flicker of light remains here and there.


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