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How can I build a great life for myself and for others?

‘Life’ is a valuable gift that we possess, a very beautiful, enchanting thing that one can possess, but what exactly is life? You just can’t define it, there could be myriad definitions, to sum it up in one single meaning will be like equivocating its possibilities. Life is eternal, one life may be like a sand particle compared to the vast universe but then one life in itself could be a vast process proliferating with opportunities. Great teacher Tien’tai concise a single moment to have three thousand possibilities. Buddha said that life cannot be purchased even for the price of an entire world system. Life’s magnificence and greatness cannot be contemplated succinctly but searching for its true meaning will lead us to the path which had been walked by many great personalities. This search will introduce one to the greatest journey of their life, an enthralling, enticing and a happy journey.
On walking this path, we’ll be able to see the big picture drawn by life itself. It’ll show us the humongous opportunities life has for each one of us. It is nothing like a conjectural statement, all those who had lived a fulfilling, great life had told the world that when they look behind now, they can see how many other possibilities they could have experienced. Paulo Coelho says in his novel Brida, “how much I missed, simply because I was afraid of missing it.”
What is a ‘Great life’? A life that is lived with zest and fulfillment in addition to being devoted to whole human kind can be called a ‘great life’. Great personalities make their ardent efforts in fulfilling their dreams in accordance with finding the meaning behind life and enjoying this journey. They in their own domain serve others. Jesus Christ, Gautam Buddha, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Albert Einstein, Sir Isaac Newton, Leo Tolstoy, William Shakespeare and many more lived a great life, not because they added meaning to their own lives but also enlightened the world with their argent wisdom and made others also realize their potentials.
‘Great Life’ is not at a stone’s thrown away distance, it’s a long, spontaneous journey which starts when one starts questioning oneself, ‘How effectively am I living?’ Living a monotonous, hackneyed life with no zeal and purpose is wastage of a precious gift. One has to give up, this kind of superfluous living, to bring beauty to life. Once apathy starts residing in one’s life, life becomes stagnant and you start decaying like a dead animal and the stench you’ll realize when you have lived it completely, the stench will manifest itself in form of guilt, you’ll be left lamenting for not using the opportunities that came your way. Thomas A. Edison famously said, “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like hard work.” One needs to create value out of life, to create oneself into someone who is an asset to world rather than nothing to world. George Bernard Shaw had said, “Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” 
Being aware of concept of ‘great life’ makes one question now ‘how to live a great life then?’ answer to this is simple but also difficult. One has to find the purpose for themselves to live. How meaningless is life if no meaning is added to it. An iron-clad purpose is what that makes one go through countless hurdles, numerous hardships and unending ordeals and lastly bring you to live with true happiness, a ‘great life’. Its difficult because its not easy to find the purpose.
Purpose defines our life. A meaningful purpose is a driving force and fuel for our journey of life. Now how can one find that purpose? To find this answer one has to look into the life of other great personalities, they all shared one thing in common,i.e, their devotion in humankind, their purpoe was to eradicate sufferings and miseries. They wholeheartedly tried to end woes of all those to whom they could reach. Share this purpose, the ultimate purpose to ensure  a 'great life' for yourself and for others.
                                                                              © 2016 VIREN


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