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Showing posts from 2018

21st century Model for Growth

Our Hon'ble Vice-President M Venkaiah Naidu, wrote an insightful article in The Indian Express on the occasion of Teacher's Day, 'Make India Vishwaguru again'. His vision of India's identity as Vishwaguru is enlightening. Our people have to come out of the mindset of 'colonised and enslaved', it has plagued our land for many centuries now.  It has robbed us of the great lineage we inherited from our ancestors. Ancient India was the centre of learning, and that made us share 25% of the world economy at the time. But as invasions started happening, Indians started to awe over new things and forgot to cherish the old ways. The habit of learning transformed into the habit of surviving .  No other religion or forum is to be blamed for the times. We didn't take care of the problems then. Well, fortunately, we are now in a more stable state,  the age of physical invasions are over for us, it is now conducive for us to look back at our ancient ways of l

India in its misries

The sad thing about INDIANS is that they are trapped in their past glories and are becoming more and more communal. Also, the west had a very negative impact on Indian culture, making youth here a new class of hypocrites, their (Indians) mentality is capitalistic and shallow whereas their ideals hinge on a superiority complex. It has developed into a deadly mixture, everyone has to prove their nationality, if someone voice reforming (or different) ideas, they are branded anti-nationalist or queer. The demographic dividend is falling victim to extreme competition for jobs and careers and being brainwashed to adopt the western lifestyle. What good is saved-time (from easy access to the internet and mobile phones) if it is just carelessly wasted (facebook, youtube and Instagram, etc)? This is not true for all Indians of course. But since its a highly populated country, no wonder these tenets could be seen in a majority. India has great potential due to old historical & cultural sig

The BEFORE Trilogy

Whats your take on 'Before Sunrise, Sunset and Midnight' trilogy? I guess the movies touch a very important and sensitive issue, is 'romance' overrated? Who do you think  was wrong among them? I think that the girl is more to be blamed for their crumbling relationship. Even the astrologer hinted at this that she is needed to get in peace with herself in order to accept the awkwardness of life. In my perspective, the girl's strong sense of 'biased feminism' had made her emotionally unstable. In the first film, she is this innocent, naive, all-giving girl, but by the second film she (like the boy) is trapped in the past but (unlike the boy) has failed further in not accepting others individuality and thus is emotionally and physically unsatisfied. In comparison, the boy had amateurishly tried to move on.  He is in better command of his self may be because he is not all revolting and though he is facing a failed marriage, he at least has found the

Buddha and the Beggar

Narrator: Once there was a beggar in a distant land. Every day he noticed that his food disappeared. One day he caught the mouse that kept stealing his food. Beggar: "Why are you stealing from me? I am a homeless man, you can steal from richer people than me and it won't have any effect on them." Mouse: "It is your karma that you can only have eight items in your possession, no matter how much you beg, no matter how much you gather, this is all you'll be able to have." Beggar: "Why is that my destiny?" Mouse: "I don't know. You should go and ask the Buddha." Narrator: So the homeless man went on his journey to find the Buddha.  As he was going, he got tired and it was night, so he ended up at a merchant's house and asked if he could stay the night. Merchant let him in. Merchant: "Young man why are you travelling so late?" Beggar: "I have a question for the Buddha and tomorrow I'll be on my way.&

"No Boundaries" - Had All Grooving

On this World Dance Day (29th April), Sadhya Dance Group organised the event "No Boundaries" in the association with Trinity Vents at Siri Fort Auditorium. It was a dazzling affair where different dance forms from across the nation participated. The event started with an introduction of each dance group performing in the event, they received a token of appreciation by  Shri Vijay Goel, Hon'ble Minister of State for Statistics and Programme Implementation. After his inaugural speech, the whole audience was uplifted to a high life state by energizing drum rolls and large dancing puppets which emerged from amid the audience and slowly they made their way to the stage.  They allowed the first group of Odhisi dancers to enter the stage. It was a beautifully synchronized dance comprising of an elegant hand-feet coordination. The sound of their ghungroos filled the air with rhythm. As each group had a span of 5 minutes to them, the beautiful dancers slowly faded away in the b

"To be human, is not a fact, but a task."

"In all important transactions of life we have to take a leap in the dark...If we decide to leave the riddles unanswered, that is a choice; if we waver in our answer, that, too, is a choice: but whatever choice we make, we make it at our peril...W e stand on a mountain pass in the midst of whirling snow and blinding mist, through which we get glimpses now and then of paths which may be deceptive. If we stand still we shall be frozen to death. If we take the wrong road we shall be dashed to pieces. We do not certainly know whether there is any right one? What must we do? "Be strong and of a good courage." Act for the best, hope for the best and take what comes...If death ends all, we cannot meet death better." (James Fitzjames Stephen, Liberty, Equality, Fraternity) (credits: 'Why We Struggle To Change', Academy Of Ideas)